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How it works

Individual sessions include an assessment and personal plan to develop strength and flexibility in the whole body to support the spine. Conventional methods of pain relief often focus on the area of pain which may provide temporary relief, but do not address the root cause of the issue. To create lifelong well-being, my differentiating factor is to build a holistic and tailored practice centered around both body and mind.

An evaluation is performed including medical history, activities, and lifestyle. Based on the assessment a practice will be developed to begin healing the body and reducing pain.

During each session, the practice will be built upon by adding strengthening work. A customized home practice will be developed for each student. In between sessions students are expected to follow the home practice which will be an extension of what is done during the sessions and is crucial for attaining results.

By correcting posture we invite life giving breath to oxygenate every cell in our bodies. The breath is a vital part of the practice. Our life force is our breath, and poor posture leads to obstruction of full healthy breathing.

Keeping an open mind is important to achieve your goals. In addition to physical poses and breathwork, sessions may include meditation, chanting, and use of bandhas and mudras to facilitate in working toward a healthier, stronger you.

Conditions that benefit from yoga for backcare:

  • Scoliosis

  • Posture: forward head & hyperkyphosis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Hyperkyphosis & Hyperlordosis

  • Fusions

  • Stenosis

  • Herniations

  • Spondylolisthesis


Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine with a rotational component. Yoga for scoliosis addresses both the lateral and rotational aspects of the curve while opening the adjacent concavities.


Hyperkyphosis, an exaggerated curvature of the thoracic spine, commonly referred to hunchback. Yoga asana and breathwork are used to gently realign the spine.


Scoliosis, disc herniations, osteoporosis, and other spine conditions lead to muscle imbalances due to body’s compensatory mechanisms. Yoga for backcare strengthens the muscles that are overstretched and weak, lengthens muscles that have been constricted, bringing the spine and body into balance.

Sessions offered in-person & virtually

Ready to make a difference in your life? Book a private consultation today.