About Your Instructor


Yoga for scoliosis, backcare, and posture specialist.

Dr. Yana Kleyman teaches alignment yoga and yoga for scoliosis, herniation, posture, backcare, osteoporosis, and healthy aging. Her classes inspire and encourage students to move mindfully, helping them to become aware of their habitual body-mind patterns and teaches her students how to overcome them.

After over two decades of suffering from back pain and fitness injuries without successfully attaining wellbeing, Yana turned to alternative methodologies beyond those offered by traditional western medicine.

After achieving and maintaining her own personal wellbeing goals, Yana was inspired to share her practice with others. Now with her combined healthcare background, scoliosis, backcare, and posture training, she is able to achieve results for others.

“Transformation is not something you wake up to in a given moment, but something you choose every single day. My goal is to equip you with the tools for this journey.” -Yana



& Training

Dr. Yana Kleyman is a backcare and scoliosis specialist and a 500-hour Certified Yoga Teacher. She studied with Alison West at Yoga Union, a premier NYC Yoga training practice where she received her 500 hour certification as well as specialized backcare and scoliosis training. She studied yoga for osteoporosis through the lens of current scientific research with Dr. Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall who have done compelling research in this field.

Yana is a Doctor of Pharmacy with over 17 years of experience in the healthcare field. She is interested in all things related to wellbeing from movement and nutrition to longevity. She loves to share her knowledge and insights with her students who wish to take their practice to the next level. Her holistic approach to healing pain and spinal issues helps her students make positive lifestyle changes and find freedom in movement.

Additional certifications:

  • Yoga for Scoliosis

  • Yoga for Osteoporosis

  • Chair Yoga

  • Wall Ropes and Slings