Specialized yoga for scoliosis and backcare.

Cultivate mindful movement, develop awareness of habitual body mind patterns and how to overcome them.

Scoliosis and a multitude of back conditions cause an imbalance in the spine which manifests a cascade of imbalances throughout the body. Our body’s compensatory mechanisms will cause certain muscles to overwork while others weaken -both groups will function sub-optimally. This leads to pain, inflammation, poor breathing patterns, stress, and anxiety.

Yoga for backcare addresses the spine and how it relates to the rest of the body to bring it back into balance. The goal is to break the feedback loop of pain and stress and instill healthy movement patterns.

By working to balance and heal the body we are able to relieve chronic stress patterns and create mental clarity and calmness.


Learn more about me and my specialized yoga practice.


Bodhi :

bo·​dhi | \ ˈbōdē \


Bodhi is a Sanskrit term meaning "enlightenment" or "awakening."

Our life force is our breath, and poor posture leads to obstruction of full healthy breathing. By correcting posture we invite life giving breath to oxygenate every cell in our bodies.